by Bren Reynolds
(Bowie, Texas 76230)
I’ve just purchased my very 1st yorkie as a dog lover I admit, but was quite put aback at the breeders statement that my new son born Oct 13, 2011 had started teething but, was to NOT get any kind of rawhide chews?
Well, we are I’m week 3 now of enjoying the cuteness & perfection of our yorkie but I DO give him ( 2 treats) of turkey chews & he’s stopped chewing everything he’s not suppose to!!
Am I wrong to give my new baby treats? especially when he “potty’s or does tricks ”
It will break my heart as he does love his chews but I’ll do what is best for him?
His name is Tickle due to his God Giving ability to make even the saddest or worst moods go away & makes ya get “tickled “!!
Chews are ok – they need to learn what they can and cannot chew. Treats small nibbles are great for potty training too. I use to use Cheerios and she loved them – but it did take her a 1 1/2 yrs. to learn to go outside, very strong minded pup! She is now 2 yrs. 3 mths and just as
adorable as can be!
bully stick
Get him a bully stick. They are great.
Your breeder specified “rawhide” chews which are not easily digested. My pomeranian nearly choked to death on one because she couldn’t chew it into small bits, so she tried to swallow it whole. The chews made from rawhide (the leather skin from an animal) can also clog up their digestive track. Turkey chews (or other treats not made from animal hide) are digestible.