Although there are a few ways of Identifying your dog, ID tags are the most effective.
Dog ID Tags, although removable, are the quickest way for your dog to be identified. Other methods such as microchips and tattoos are also effective but involve procedures that some people would rather not put their Yorkie through.
Yorkies are definitely better off with these tags as they are easy to put on and take off. It would also be a good idea to buy ones that are not too heavy.
Yorkshire Terriers will find heavy collars a strain on their neck. Therefore it is best to try and get the lightest possible.
However, do make sure that the collar you purchase is one that is made from a durable material so that it does not break easily.
Yorkies are very small dogs and can sneak through the smallest of holes in any fence or gate. It is very easy for them to wonder off oblivious to the rest of the world and the worry they put their owners through.
Chances are, they could find their own way back very easily, but what if they are assumed lost by a passer by or they do in fact get lost?
The ID Tag will give a clear answer to whoever is wondering who the owners are. By having a phone number, the dogs name, your address and any serious medical conditions you will be ensuring that your Yorkie will be returned to you in a great health.
You may also find that in your area you are required, by law, that your dog wear proof of vaccinations and a dog license.
So, no matter where your Yorkie may go, be it in the garden or the street, it should always be equipped with its very own Dog ID Tag.
ItÂ’s better to be safe in the knowledge that your dog has the vital information with it that will reunite the two of you, than be sorry and remembering the advice that had been given to you in the past.
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