by Aneta
Hi, I have a 9 weeks male puppy. He eats his poop.
Why does he eat his poop? How can I stop him from doing it? I clean straight away, but it’s just few seconds for that happen.
I am giving him royal canin for mini puppies and probiotic treats. I have heard that a pineapple may help, but will that affect his digestion? Is he not too young to eat pineapple?
Hi Aneta,
We have covered this here. You may want to give it a try?
The use of pineapple relates to a Bromelain deficiency in the diet, but it sounds like you are feeding your dog well?
I don’t see any harm in trying a small piece or 2 each day and see if there is any improvement. This should be relatively inexpensive.
Poop Eating Yorkies
I too have a Yorkie pup that eats his poop!!! Yuk!! And I also feed him Canin dog food.. My vet did recommend pineapple, but my dog trainer recommends kelp powder. Put a little on their food..I haven’t tried either..but I think I will try the pineapple..
Hope it works!
I got Forbid powder from vet,tried for 2 weeks with no change yet. Someone suggested pumpkin puree,not tinned pie mix, havent tried yet.
My Yorkie Puppy eats Poop
My 5 month old micro yorkie puppy just started eatin her own bowls just recently. I looked up reasons for this and 4 of them described her exactly so I am going to try the pineapple to see if this works.