HOW MUCH SHOULD MY YORKIE WEIGH? 22 March, 2017 YorkieAdmin 1 Comment by tiana (roseville, ca) My yorkie macy weighs almost 3 lb and she is 3 months old. is that healthy? Return to Yorkie forum.
Anonymous says 10 April, 2011 at 7:08 am My three month yorkie weighs the same My yorkie weighs about 3 pounds and is 3 months old. His mother is six and a half pounds and his dad weighs 3 and a half pounds. The breeder said he should be about 4 to 6. Pounds. He has little features. Reply
My three month yorkie weighs the same
My yorkie weighs about 3 pounds and is 3 months old. His mother is six and a half pounds and his dad weighs 3 and a half pounds. The breeder said he should be about 4 to 6. Pounds. He has little features.