by John
Question – Can Yorkies swim?
How are Yorkies around water? Can yorkies swim? Are they comfortable in canoes?

Yorkies are not really built for swimming. Some can and some can’t 🙂
Yes, Yorkies can swim, but it’s not something they typically excel at or necessarily enjoy.
Yorkies have a small build and can get tired easily in water due to their short legs and compact bodies.
Additionally, their long fur can become heavy when wet, which can make swimming more challenging for them.
You will need to test how your yorkie does in water. It also depends on whether he likes water or doesn’t.
Our yorkie Harry definately falls in the latter group!
However, I have also had some readers who tell me their yorkies absolutely love water and love swimming.
When first taking your yorkie for a swim make sure you stay very close to him. Chances are the water will be deep for him, they are only small after all 🙂
If you want to introduce your Yorkie to swimming, it’s essential to do so gradually and under close supervision. Start with shallow water and provide support as needed. Some Yorkies may never become strong swimmers, so it’s important to always prioritize their safety around water.
A lot of people buy their dog a life vest when starting out swimming.
One reader told us that her yorkie loves to swim but couldn’t really do it very well. Since they bought him a life vest he can handle it all a lot better and has a great time in their pool 🙂
Happy swimming!
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Yorkies and water
My baby loved the water if she heard anyone say boat she was the first on on the dock and in the boat.
When we lived on our 35 ft cabin cruiser she would jump off the bow of the boat and chase the ducks then the ducks would turn around after her it was a riot. But she always got to us before the ducks got any where near her and soon as she was in reaching distance the ducks wouldn’t come any closer.
When we were here at home she would jump from the dock to the boat and she loved to swim on the beach with the kids.
Rolling in the sand and everything. She was actually a water baby. She loved boats and loved to go in the car.
If your Yorkie is young try putting an inch of water in the sink or tub and see how he/she reacts splash your hand around a little bit to make the water move put few water toys in with her.
She always wore her life jacket when we were on the boat and if we could catch her before she got out of the house we’d put it on her and when we caught her Bam it was on her in a flash before she hit the docks and the water.
So what i am trying to say is take it slow and treat her/him as if they were an infant/toddler
We had a Yorkie before squirt and his name was Scuffy. He liked the water but there was only one problem he was butt heavy.
In other words he couldn’t keep his hind end up and when he ever fell in the water he would sink straight to the bottom with someone right there to pull him up he always had a life jacket on after we found out he was bottom heavy 🙂
How old was your puppy when he first went into the water??? I’m scared to take him to the boat because he is sooooo little 🙂 Thanks!
Loving the water
I have a 1 1/2 yr old yorkie and he LOVES swimming! I cannot stop him from throwing him self in the pool either from the shallow end or deep end with or without vest, and he knows how to get out. He makes us laugh because when he takes a break he sits on a lounge chair in the sun and when he gets hot again he jumps in and out again at will!
Hes an excellent swimmer. It does not matter if there is anyone in the pool he just gets in as soon as we take him into the yard. We are always with him and watching him. He even jumps off diving board!
Love him!!!!
Copper Loves To Swim
We have a 5 month old yorkie who LOVES to swim. When he was only 10 weeks old and we had just opened our pool…he ran right out to it and jumped in. We were shocked and got him out right away…He continued to do this everytime we would let him outside…So we taught him where the steps were and how to get out on his own. He also lays out on a lounge chair to get dry and then sometimes just goes and lays on the first step of the pool to get his tummy wet. I love my Yorkie!!!
Yorkies rock
My yorkie loves to swim winter or summer she just jumps in. Shes a really good summer! but she HATES baths she acts like im trying to kill her everytime i put her in the bath to clean off.
I have a 9 week old yorkie is she too young to get on a boat?