by KR
On Mother’s Day 5/8/11 at 9:00 pm Abby got sick and threw up slimy white stuff, she started pawing at her side, running to the back door to go outside, she had diarreha (big), she came back in layed in her kennel on the tray.
I layed next to her to try and give her some comfort, she fell asleep for about 5 minutes. She woke up and got sick again same routine again.
She came back in and now it is about 11:00 pm I took her to bed with me, she lays down and I thought she was going to sleep, I started drifing off until a felt her move and smelled something horrible.
I turned on my light, she had messed and threw up on my bed and was pawing at her side.
I put her outside again, I stripped my bed and layed clean sheets on it layed her on the bed and she became lethargic she would try to stand and roll over, she kept doing this to the end of the bed, I felt she did not want me to see her this way and was trying to hide from me.
She wanted to jump off the bed, so I picked her up and went out on the couch, trying to comfort her, she jumped off the couch back into her kennel on the tray.
I laid next to her petting her, she kept moving away from me. It was 2:30 am in the morning, I drifed off to sleep. I woke at 4:00 am and she was not in her kennel, my husband had her in bed and she was doing the same thing to him.
We just tried comforting her the best we could and knew we would have to take her in to the vet that morning, we knew she was dying. It was one of the hardest things I had to do.
Abby had just turned 14 and I knew her age had to do with it, she also had dermititis and had lost most of her hair.
I know she is in a much better place and no longer suffering. She was my joy, my life and I loved her very much.
She was always at my side my shadow,wherever I went she was there.
She loved to drive, actually she would sit in my lap in the car and put her paws on the steering wheel and look back and forth.
She loved to dress up and loved her boots in the snow.
She lay by my side every night in bed just snoring away.
She is truly missed and forever in my heart. She now is in God’s loving hands and having fun with our dog Geroge who we had for 16 years.
I will meet them again at the end of the rainbow bridge.
I still miss and love my sweet Abby Mae.
My condolences
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Rest assured that Abby Mae is watching you and wants you to keep smiling.
My Romeo has been with me for just over two years and he does the same thing (as Abby) when I take him for daily rides — sits in my lap and paws on the steering wheel. I cannot imagine life without Romeo; he has brought a lot of joy and love into my life.
Sorry for your big loss but don’t be sad because…
she is watching you from above and waiting for you to join her and I’m sure she wouldn’t mine you getting another yorkie when your ready and she now’s she’s in your heart and that there’s never a day when you don’t think about her sweet little face.
I hope you don’t feel bad when you read this.
Thank you Romeo’s Mom and Stephanie
Thank you for writing back, it sure does help to hear from others and their stories and support.
Abby Mae’s Mom