by Donna
(Jackson, GA)
I have a Yorkie named Abbey and she was having a problem with itching, flaky skin. She would bite at her skin and was constantly scratching.
I tried everything I knew or could find in forums to help with her problem but had no results. I tried the usual dietary changes. Gluten free, etc. She is otherwise healthy and happy.
Then I read on a forum of a mixture I could make that was easy, inexpensive, and was supposed to work.
I was desperate and couldn’t see the harm in giving it a try.
It was as follows, In a spray bottle mix, 1/3 Cup of baby oil, 1/3 Cup of Listerine Mouthwash (has to be the Original formula), and 1/3 Cup of warm water.
I tried it and to my suprise the results were basically instant success!
She rarely, if ever, scratches anymore and is even more playful and happy than before. I did find that it made her coat a little more oily than usual, but it wasn’t really a problem.
Then I tried doing this. When I bathe her I would shampoo her as usual, rinse her, then spray her with this solution, massage it into her coat for a minute or two, rinse her well and dry her as usual.
I undersand this is a really commen problem with Yorkies so I wanted to share the solution I found.
I wish anyone with a Yorkie having the same problem would give this a try.. It is amazing, and much less expensive than the many things I have tried that were not successful.
If your yorky scratches alot it is because she is allergic to something she is being fed…probably chicken or turkey. It is usu the culprit for alot of scratching problems in dog. You might want to switch to a Raw Prey Diet for you yorky. Goodluck
Bird Mite solution
That is the same solution we used to use on our exotic birds for mites. I wonder if maybe your Yorkie may have had mites? They are so tiny that it would be impossible to see them with out a microscope.